Monday, May 22, 2006


500g assorted mushrooms – oyster, Portobello, shiitake, button
1 packet/200g cherry tomatoes
25g parmesan shavings (just buy a small chunk of parmesan)
500g rocket (it’s a kind of veg)


1 chicken
4 bay leaves
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
fresh herbs – basil, parsely, marjoram


500g Prawns
1 Packet of Linguine
chilli, garlic, olive oil, basil, pesto (I have)


750g whipped cream (I think they come in 250g packs, so buy 3)


Blogger alex said...

She also asked my patient: When are you going to invite us again? You always macrobid have such a good table.. What game is too small for the phentermine close-woven net of a coquette? Mr.. Afterwards the children are permitted to indulge themselves in rational play, for celexa I permit no amusement that is not also instructive.. The poor brute did not know what he was doing, I dare say, and probably he has been a clonazepam faithful friend.. Now then, pull on your starboard rein. promethazine. Nor does this benadryl apology prevent you from holding me responsible--personally responsible-- elsewhere for an indiscretion committed in behalf of a lady--my--er--client.. She possessed a thrifty common sense, and it was she who handled the finances of the family, and met all comers when there were bills to nexium pay.. Do you consider that a safe allegra boat? he asked the fisherman.. How much? The magnesium auctioneer looked around; there were no bidders.. [1] Freud, Three Contributions wellbutrin to Sexual Theory, translated by A.. He arose and shouted: Whoa, Balaam! Again he seized the nearest weapon, and sought satisfaction. effexor. Thus I have avoided stating whether I connect with the word suppressed another sense than with the word repressed. phentermine. It is then the purpose of the dream that this brother should remain in the right; and she does not try to justify this brother merely in the dream; it is her purpose in life cialis and the motive for her being ill.. For a tricor half-hour she stood at the end of the lane, and then hungry Balaam and his master hove in sight.. There, across from each other at the kitchen table, sat the utterly selfish and traitorous younger members of the rival houses of Ellsworth and Van Kamp, vicodin deep in the joys of chicken, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and hot corn-pone, and all the other fixings, laughing and chatting gaily like chums of years' standing...

12:47 AM  
Blogger alex said...

She also asked my patient: When are you going to invite us again? You always naproxen have such a good table.. What game is too small for the ambien close-woven net of a coquette? Mr.. Afterwards the children are permitted to indulge themselves in rational play, for acetaminophen I permit no amusement that is not also instructive.. The poor brute did not know what he was doing, I dare say, and probably he has been a paxil faithful friend.. Now then, pull on your starboard rein. thyroid. Nor does this prozac apology prevent you from holding me responsible--personally responsible-- elsewhere for an indiscretion committed in behalf of a lady--my--er--client.. She possessed a thrifty common sense, and it was she who handled the finances of the family, and met all comers when there were bills to nystatin pay.. Do you consider that a safe phentermine boat? he asked the fisherman.. How much? The ultracet auctioneer looked around; there were no bidders.. [1] Freud, Three Contributions diphenhydramine to Sexual Theory, translated by A.. He arose and shouted: Whoa, Balaam! Again he seized the nearest weapon, and sought satisfaction. paxil. Thus I have avoided stating whether I connect with the word suppressed another sense than with the word repressed. thyroid. It is then the purpose of the dream that this brother should remain in the right; and she does not try to justify this brother merely in the dream; it is her purpose in life insulin and the motive for her being ill.. For a potassium half-hour she stood at the end of the lane, and then hungry Balaam and his master hove in sight.. There, across from each other at the kitchen table, sat the utterly selfish and traitorous younger members of the rival houses of Ellsworth and Van Kamp, soma deep in the joys of chicken, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and hot corn-pone, and all the other fixings, laughing and chatting gaily like chums of years' standing...

9:33 AM  
Blogger alex said...

She also asked my patient: When are you going to invite us again? You always adderall have such a good table.. What game is too small for the lipitor close-woven net of a coquette? Mr.. Afterwards the children are permitted to indulge themselves in rational play, for hydrocodone I permit no amusement that is not also instructive.. The poor brute did not know what he was doing, I dare say, and probably he has been a thyroid faithful friend.. Now then, pull on your starboard rein. paxil. Nor does this lipitor apology prevent you from holding me responsible--personally responsible-- elsewhere for an indiscretion committed in behalf of a lady--my--er--client.. She possessed a thrifty common sense, and it was she who handled the finances of the family, and met all comers when there were bills to benadryl pay.. Do you consider that a safe nexium boat? he asked the fisherman.. How much? The phentermine auctioneer looked around; there were no bidders.. [1] Freud, Three Contributions zocor to Sexual Theory, translated by A.. He arose and shouted: Whoa, Balaam! Again he seized the nearest weapon, and sought satisfaction. hctz. Thus I have avoided stating whether I connect with the word suppressed another sense than with the word repressed. paxil. It is then the purpose of the dream that this brother should remain in the right; and she does not try to justify this brother merely in the dream; it is her purpose in life valium and the motive for her being ill.. For a viagra half-hour she stood at the end of the lane, and then hungry Balaam and his master hove in sight.. There, across from each other at the kitchen table, sat the utterly selfish and traitorous younger members of the rival houses of Ellsworth and Van Kamp, valium deep in the joys of chicken, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and hot corn-pone, and all the other fixings, laughing and chatting gaily like chums of years' standing...

5:06 PM  
Blogger alex said...

She also asked my patient: When are you going to invite us again? You always hydrocortisone have such a good table.. What game is too small for the ativan close-woven net of a coquette? Mr.. Afterwards the children are permitted to indulge themselves in rational play, for zyrtec I permit no amusement that is not also instructive.. The poor brute did not know what he was doing, I dare say, and probably he has been a prozac faithful friend.. Now then, pull on your starboard rein. boniva. Nor does this vioxx apology prevent you from holding me responsible--personally responsible-- elsewhere for an indiscretion committed in behalf of a lady--my--er--client.. She possessed a thrifty common sense, and it was she who handled the finances of the family, and met all comers when there were bills to insulin pay.. Do you consider that a safe calcium boat? he asked the fisherman.. How much? The benicar auctioneer looked around; there were no bidders.. [1] Freud, Three Contributions phentermine to Sexual Theory, translated by A.. He arose and shouted: Whoa, Balaam! Again he seized the nearest weapon, and sought satisfaction. allegra. Thus I have avoided stating whether I connect with the word suppressed another sense than with the word repressed. cialis. It is then the purpose of the dream that this brother should remain in the right; and she does not try to justify this brother merely in the dream; it is her purpose in life magnesium and the motive for her being ill.. For a effexor half-hour she stood at the end of the lane, and then hungry Balaam and his master hove in sight.. There, across from each other at the kitchen table, sat the utterly selfish and traitorous younger members of the rival houses of Ellsworth and Van Kamp, ambien deep in the joys of chicken, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and hot corn-pone, and all the other fixings, laughing and chatting gaily like chums of years' standing...

10:02 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

4:54 PM  

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